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Customer Inquiry: The initial view of my GSV tour is incorrect
Customer Inquiry: The initial view of my GSV tour is incorrect

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Farik Mora avatar
Written by Farik Mora
Updated over a week ago


Why the initial vision of my GSV tour is incorrect?


Even after a photo appears on Google Street View (GSV), it typically takes time Google to update the metadata for the photo to reflect things like north point and connections.

We typically observe it can take up to 24 hours for the metadata to update on the photo and the north point to be set even AFTER the photo appears on Google.

For more information about north points and initial views, check out this article:

We provide this raw question and answer between a customer and our support so you can learn more about our product. We hope this answer helps you. If you have any clarifiying questions or would like more detail, please chat us or call us anytime and reference this article.

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